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"Golding" Guide

One of the main resources in Divine Blood is gold. Gold is very useful for non-spellcasters or for low level spellasters, because you need to buy spell-up potions (VERY important if you are PK). It's not hard to get (especially at high levels), but it takes time. So here I'll try to list good places for "golding".

If you have any comments please e-mail me or send a note in Divine Blood.

  • Level 10 - 15 - Gangland (patrolmen, bruisers, thugs, punks, vandals, dolls).
  • Level 18 - 25 - Amongst the Clouds (harpies).
  • Level 25 - 50 - Baeon's Tower (squires, clerics, statues).
  • Level 50 - 91 - Dragon Tower, Kaladar and Canopy Forest (different mobs with unique names).

At level 70-91 it's easy to make these "gold-runs": Baeon's Tower - Canopy Forest - Kaladar - Dragon Tower. It's more than 1000 gold. There also some big treasure hoards in Thera:

  • Pile of gems (90 gold) in Baeon's Tower - third floor, all south (need detects and keys from Grand Paladin and his wife).
  • Pile of silver (6000 silver) in the room behind the throne in Kaladar.
  • Treasure hoard (10000 silver) in the room behind hydra in Dragon Tower.
  • Some coins (5000 silver) in the altar in Baeon's Cathedral.
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