Area List
Weapon Flags
Level Guide
"Golding" Guide

This is an unofficial leveling guide for Divine Blood. Maybe it's not the best way to level, but it should work if your character isn't very bad. Areas, names of which are written in red, can be hard for average characters, cyan are of medium difficulty and green are very easy. You should also remember to "update" your eq when you gain new levels, and probably you'll need to get this eq from areas of your own alignment where you don't get good exp. And usually it's easier to level killing weak mobs for 40-60 exp than hard mobs for 100-200 exp. At high levels you will probably want to level faster, if so you can use different spell-up potions or pills (for non-spellcasters), this will speed up the leveling process.

If you have any comments please e-mail me or send a note in Divine Blood.

Good Aligned Characters:
 5  - 10 Gangland.
 10 - 15 Thalos.
 15 - 18 Wyvern Tower.
 18 - 25 Amongst the Clouds.
 25 - 30 Tombs of Ancients.
 30 - 40 Land of Incantation.
 40 - 55 Cemetery of Winter Past.
 55 - 70 Shadow Cult.
 70 - 91 Temple of Villains.
 85 - 91 Cursed Fields.

Evil Aligned Characters:
 5  - 10 Gnome Village.
 10 - 15 Midgaard and New Thalos (guards).
 15 - 20 New Ofcol (cityguards).
 20 - 45 Baeon's Tower.
 45 - 65 Baeon's Cathedral.
 65 - 91 Temple of Heroes.

Neutral Aligned Characters:
 5  - 10 Gangland.
 10 - 15 Midgaard and New Thalos (guards).
 15 - 20 New Ofcol (cityguards).
 20 - 45 Baeon's Tower.
 45 - 65 Baeon's Cathedral.
 65 - 91 Temple of Heroes and Temple of Villains.
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